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Hiring A GREAT Copywriter

By Jon Wuebben, Professional Website Copywriter
Wednesday, May 25, 2005; 11:00am EST

Hiring a great copywriter can be a challenge.

There are a lot of good writers out there. There are even a lot of great writers out there. But a copywriter- a great copywriter, does more than just write. A great copywriter has the ability to write persuasively, research facts, and think in terms of the 'total marketing piece'- because copy is only a part of the ad, brochure, website, or flyer.

Many times, they see a business or idea in a new light. They draw out the key benefits of your product or service. Ultimately, a great copywriter communicates those benefits with excitement and has the ability to create that feeling in the consumers mind.

We've all read an ad that was so incredibly compelling that it literally made us pick up the phone or jump online, and order the product. Advertising is the science and art of convincing consumers to give up their hard earned money for a particular product or service.

Copywriters really only write for one purpose. To persuade.

They increase your sales and generate sales leads when their ad and direct mail copy persuade prospects that your product is better than the competition. A great copywriter is a GREAT persuader.

The best copywriters in the business are tireless researchers. Those who become the best have an insatiable interest about products, services, new ideas, consumers and advertising. Copywriters are curious people. They study human nature and try and find the best angle. They like to uncover new ways to represent a product. They get a rush when they ultimately find the unique selling proposition for your product or service. A great copywriter is a GREAT researcher.

Copywriters are creators. They think up compelling ideas and have the innate ability to turn them into powerful prose. Copywriters think visually. Many people don't see them in these terms, but they are artists too'artists of the written word. They also think in terms of words. When coming up with a headline, they're simultaneously thinking of an image that will complement the copy. Copywriters enjoy working with graphic designers, art directors and creative directors in creating great advertising and direct marketing. A great copywriter has a GREAT ability to think in terms of the total marketing piece.

Sometimes trying to find the right angle for a product or service can be frustrating. A great copywriter can come into a new situation, quickly assess the facts, and see what others cannot. A great copywriter brings a fresh perspective. They have the ability to see things in a new light. That's why a headline that never worked suddenly starts working like a miracle after being changed. Sometimes it's simple. Other times, it can be a little more complex. Either way, a GREAT copywriter has the ability to cast a product or service in the right light.

Copywriters focus on benefits. Great copywriters find the right set of benefits and focus on them like a laser. When a consumer reads the copy, they find they are agreeing with what the copy is saying. They may have never even realized they needed the product or service. But, the copywriter knew it. And they knew how to get inside the consumers head. Great copywriters know people inside and out- and they know what motivates them.

Working with a GREAT Copywriter

The first thing to keep in mind is that a great copywriter is easy to work with. They are experienced in dealing with professionals. It helps to know what can make the difference in working with a great copywriter.

First, get your agreement in writing. A written contract is always a good idea, and can prevent difficult situations or misunderstandings from happening in the first place. A solid contract outlines the work to be performed, fees, due dates, terms and conditions.

Next, always know how much it's going to cost. Try to get your copywriter to commit to a flat fee before the project begins. This way, both parties are protected. Hourly writers should be avoided. There's no incentive for them to get the job done in a timely manner.

Quality copy isn't cheap. Be prepared to pay for that quality. Great copy is worth its weight in gold, because it can make the difference between a product that sells five units, and that same product selling five thousand units. Great copywriters are worth every dollar they make.

It's also a good idea to have one person- and one person only, appointed to deal with your copywriter. It can be very confusing to have a whole team of people interacting with a copywriter. Conflicting ideas can arise and confusion is usually the only outcome. Designate one person to handle all communications.

Great copywriters like to know exactly what they will be writing. Many times, assignments are vague. It's important to spell out in clear, simple terms, what the writer needs to know to do his best work. Sometimes the target audience is vague. Other times the features and benefits of the product are unclear. In addition, a great copywriter needs to know the reason for the assignment. Is the client introducing a new product or service? Are they trying to qualify prospects? This is a critically significant piece of the project.

Make sure you give the copywriter all the background material they need to write the copy. Types of things they need are previous ads, testimonials, product brochures, market research, and information on the competitors. Having these materials makes the project so much easier.

One issue that almost goes without saying, but is also sometimes overlooked is payment. If you're a professional, one of the most frustrating elements of business can be issues around payment, and late payment. If you want to work with a great copywriter, it's important to make this a non-issue.

Finally, give feedback. Copywriters know all about constructive criticism. It's a big part of making the marketing piece the best possible. A great copywriter will always be receptive to it. But more than that, a great copywriter wants to know your feedback. Good or bad. It's the only way to make it better.

About the Author
Jon Wuebben is a professional Website Copywriter, SEO Copywriter and Advertising Copywriter with 10 years experience in B2B & B2C copywriting and marketing. He can be reached at (909) 437-7015, or online at http://www.CustomCopywriting.com for any copywriting project you may have or if you would like more articles or a Complimentary Website Copy analysis.

Need a custom newsletter or e-zine article written? Call Jon Today at (909) 437-7015 or email jon@customcopywriting.com for a professional Website Copywriter, SEO Copywriter, or Advertising Copywriter.

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