If you have a website for sale
we are looking to buy your website. If you are interested
in selling your website here are the requirements:
- Your site must have a
minimum PR (PageRank) of 4.
- Your site must not contain
adult material.
The process for selling your
website is simple...
1. Email us back at
HomeBizJour@starband.net with the exact website urls you are
interested in selling. Include your name and phone number in
your email.
2. We will email you back a
3. If the price is
acceptable, we will phone you and email you to confirm our
interest. Then we will send you half the money upfront along
with a request for domain transfer. Once the domain is
transferred we will pay the remaining balance that same day. We
can pay you via Paypal or overnight you a check.
Please note: Our payouts for
purchasing your website range from $300.00 to $2,500.00. If your
website is not in this range please do not email us back at this