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Scams: Special Investigation Series

Fighting Fire With Fire Won't Douse The Spam Fire NEW
Abstract: Fighting Fire With Fire Won't Douse The Fire by Stephen Brennan In the last few weeks, I have noticed an increase in tools or methods devised exclusively to fight the Spam fight...
CAN-SPAM Rules for Internet Marketers NEW
On January 1, 2004, the "CAN-SPAM Act", short for "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography and Marketing Act of 2003", took effect. Marketers who send any form...
Detect, Protect, Dis-infect Viruses NEW
With new threats to computer security and data integrity a regular feature of the evening news, a panoply of products that promise to detect, protect, and dis-infect are being marketed...
The Economics of Spam
Tennessee resident K. C. "Khan" Smith owes the internet service provider EarthLink $24 million. According to the CNN, last August he was slapped with a lawsuit accusing him of...
Top Ten Junk Email Do's and Don'ts
Spam Email: Refers generally to email communication that you do not want, from senders that you do not have any existing business relationship with, sent in large quantities...
Is Your Ezine Being Zapped?
About a year ago I wrote an article titled 'Winning The War On Spam'. Unfortunately, the war on spam is not being won at all. In fact, the problem is now so serious that spam is...
How To Avoid Getting Scammed
Listed below are some of the most popular and common scams: 1. Nigerian Letter Scam: This one's been around for...
The Truth About Multi-Level Marketing
I know I'm going to ruffle a few feathers with this article, so let me just say right now that all MLM marketing (AKA network...
How Not to Get Hooked By a "Phishing" Scam
First of all, for those of you unfamiliar with the term, "Phishing" is a high-tech scam that uses spam or pop-up...
Before Spending Money, Let's Talk About History
Have you noticed all of the advertisements on the Internet from "gurus" and people who have "made it" with their Internet...
Truth About Stuffing Envelopes and Home Assembly
Two of the oldest scams around appear to be as popular as ever. I'm referring to stuffing envelopes and home assembly programs. Let's talk about stuffing envelopes first...
How to Avoid Telemarketing Scams
Offers of amazing investments and too-good-to-be-true offers are warning signs of telephone fraud. According to the...
Mind Tricking Sales Letters
Hype is everywhere. There are no ebooks on internet marketing, there are ebooks that change your life, bring you wealth and happiness. Guess what happens when these ebooks...
Internet Business in a Box
You've seen it on TV� everything you need to start your Internet business only $59.95. It seems too good to be true! Can you actually get a Web site, hosting, search engine placement...


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