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Business Tactics and Techniques

Tips And Strategies To Increase Your Sales NEW
You started your business to make money, and to do this you have to be always on the look out to find new ideas that can increase your bottom line. This can be difficult when...
5 Steps To Turn More Leads Into Cash NEW
It's very easy to start generating a lot of leads because it's a very scientific process. Most marketing guru's say run this ad or make this type of offer and you'll have an explosion...
Better Business Through Better Judgment
The future success of your business hinges on the quality of the decisions you make today. It�s not as critical to have good business judgment as it is to avoid poor judgment...
Bite Your Tongue
Most people don�t realize how powerful a negotiating tool silence is. I discovered exactly how effective as I recently observed someone discussing a deal with a prospective customer this...
How You Can Acquire Exclusive Product Rights - Part 2 of 2
Abstract: You will need to give valid reasons to the manufacturer as to "why" you should have exclusive rights to his product for your specific niche markets. Don't be in fear of this
How You Can Acquire Exclusive Product Rights - Part 1 of 2
If you have a marketing business, chances are you get excited at the prospect of acquiring a new product to sell. One challenge to marketing, especially over the Internet...
Earn Living Online
Many people seek for a way to earn their living independently. They want to be their own boss. They want manage their time themselves � and enjoy their leisure time when...
Taking Your Corporate Logo Seriously
Before a customer or potential partner drives up or walks into your business, clicks on a website or interacts with you or another employee, they most likely have already formulated a...
Nine Simple eBay Selling Hints
Some of these eBay hints will save you money, others will result in higher prices. Either way, these will help you run more profitable eBay auctions...
In Leadership, Good Enough Is Pretty Bad
Having a "good enough" attitude is a serious stumbling block for leaders. Such an attitude allows them to avoid the hard work of finding better ways to accomplish things...
Leverage Strengths for Peak Performance
Ask almost any business leader how to most effectively develop people and build teamwork and you�ll hear, "tap into employees' strengths." Yet when it comes to their own...
Commanding Respect of Your Team
When I was a child my father would take me ice fishing with him and his buddies. I remember very clearly the first time he took me out on the ice. I was so excited...
Disgruntled Customers Into Advocates
Sell anything and eventually you will be on the receiving end of a sentence like this. So how do you turn a disgruntled customer not just into a satisfied one, but...
The Power of Persistence
Abstract: Several years ago I accompanied my youngest daughter on a school ski trip. She had never skied, and after a few lessons, stood atop of the practice hill...
3 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates
Abstract: In a previous article I talked about a few similarities between writing direct mail packages and writing web sites. In short, I concluded that as online writers we could learn a lot from direct...
Eliminate Your Competition
Abstract: Some business owners have a difficult time identifying who their competitors really are, believing that every other...
Getting Reporters to Open Your E-Mails
Abstract: You know that getting publicity is vital to the health of your business. You probably also know that e-mail is the way most...
Important Things to Tell Your Prospects
Abstract: 1. Tell your prospects that you offer free delivery. This may cost a little money, but, you will gain the extra customers to...
Profit in an Uncertain Economy
Abstract: 1. Sell more back end products to your existing customer base. You already created rapport, trust and proved your credibility...
Selling Your Ad Space Like Crazy
Abstract: 1. Give your customers a discount when they spend over a certain dollar amount for ad space. You can also apply this tip to...
How to Add Emotional Value to your Offer
Abstract: Your ad copy can trigger your prospects to become emotionally attached to your product. Emotion is a feeling or...
How to Write A Hypnotic Sales Letter
Abstract: Writing a sales letter is comparable to creating a hypnotic script. The hypnotist recites the script to a person in order to...
Benefits of Joint Venture Marketing
Abstract: A joint venture is an agreement in which two or more businesses work on a project for a set period of time. Joint...
Selling to Customers Again and Again
Abstract: You're always going to have people that buy once and never purchase again. Once they quit buying, that's lost revenue...
Answer Prospect's Questions, Before They Ask
Abstract: How many times have you read an ad and you had a question that would determine whether you would buy or not? Did...
World's Largest News Website Launches
Abstract: News and information online is so vast that it can be unmanageable in its volume. This is precisely why news...
Ten Ways to Maximize the Impact of Training
Abstract: Training your staff is an essential investment in today's changing and competitive environment. But just sending staff to...
Good Customer Service Worth Weight In Gold
Abstract: How would you react if you contacted a company with a complaint you feel is valid and you received no answer? Or you...
Seven Ways To Increase Your Online Sales
Abstract: The 2003 sales figures are in and online sales boomed last year. Total online sales in 2003 increased from $4 billion to...
Twelve Tips to Reduce Stress
Abstract: Haven't we all been there? We've got an important call to make, but we're waiting for one more piece of information that was...
Secret Formulas for Headlines That Sell
Abstract: We all know the importance of a powerful headline. However, writing a great headline isn't as easy as it sounds...
7 Ways to Keep Your Team Motivated
Abstract: Many managers mistakenly think that money is the prime motivator for their employees. However, according to surveys by...
How to Obtain Free Publicity
Abstract: Would you like to expand the volume of your business? You can let thousands of people know about your service, your...
Setting Out Bait Online
Abstract: In 1995 I created and distributed a free document called Frequently Asked Questions about Freelance Writing, or the...
Write for Publicity
Abstract: If you're looking for a powerful way to get free publicity and build your credibility at the same time, then writing articles...
Building a Community in the Virtual Workplace
Abstract: The physical landscape of a typical business is changing. Some employees may now find themselves surrounded by family...
New Economy Depression Syndrome
Abstract: Many of us living in today�s fast-paced new economy find ourselves scanning hundreds of pages of information daily while...
Communicating a Clear Vision
Abstract: Everybody in a business is talking about the mission of the business, but what about the vision? A vision is the clear...


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